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I don't think anything in your background would preclude you from CIA employment, or from holding a security clearance with another federal agency. But note that the CIA has a very high pre-employment polygraph failure rate. It's clear that many qualified, truthful applicants are being falsely branded as liars by the Agency's polygraph soothsayers. In this regard, see former CIA recruiter Melissa Boyle Mahle's comments on CIA polygraph policy. And be aware that, depending on the position for which you are applying, you may be ambushed with an interrogation about the most intimate details of your sex life. See, for example, the statement of "No Such Author." As pointed out by "polyrized" on this message board, the CIA can, and sometimes does, release such information to other agencies. See, CIA Released My Sexual History.
Your history looks fine, but you may want to read George's story in "Too Hot of A Potato" before you even consider taking a ploygraph with any federal agency. If you get a false positive with a fed. LE Agency, it's likely that your career is done before it even started.
The bad: -used marijuana occasionally through college and experimented with LSD 3-4 times then also. It has been at least 9 years since I touched any drug of that sort at all....12 years since the LSD. -like many men, have looked at your run of the mill, porn on the illegal or underage stuff. no animals, or weird stuff. just your t&a stuff. -my parents are divorced and do not have any relationship with my mother who is certifiably nuts...she has no relationship with anyone in her family for that matter
The good: -no dui's -no criminal record -no bad medical or psychological medications, no nothing, no mental illness. -perfect credit -no past employment firings or dismissals -no foreign influence -no alcohol abuse or counseling of any sort -no contact with foreign nationals -no misuse of information technology information like napster, hacking, etc. -no swinging, paying for sex/hookers or infidelity
I know people post things like this here everyday but each one is different......would like to know what people think. should i be worried? or am i the next mary poppins?