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question one is very general and could be specifically addressed to you having stolen a pen, a dollar, or any of the "little things" we may have taken in our lives as children, juveniles and unfortunately for some out there as adults too.
Question two implies something of more gravity. In other words you would be arrested for this if you had committed it. I am not going to arrest nor waste my time with someone who stole a pen or a coke or a candy bar, in this case they would merely get cited. However, to arrest someone it has to be something big or at least big enough for you to not have the moral character to be a police officer.
I hope that answers your question.
Posted by: Carrottop Posted on: Feb 11th, 2005 at 9:50am
Can someone please help me, I have my Polygraph Tommorow afternoon!!!! I need to know the difference between the two questions I asked (why both arent a control question)
-Thank you
Posted by: Carrottop Posted on: Feb 8th, 2005 at 9:59pm
I was looking at the website again, and noticed these two questions that someone posted, and then identified them as either control or relavent questions.
Hi everyone,
"Besides what you have told me, are you withholding information about what else you have stolen in your entire life?" - CONTROL
"Other than what you have told me, have you ever done anything in your life you should have been arrested for?" - RELEVANT
-My question is aren’t they both worded the same way, so they would both be control questions?? -I was also wondering if any other physical counter measure works besides the anal pucker, like flexing your calve muscle for example.