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Just relax and be yourself and I am sure you will do fine.
Remember, this more of an interrogation, than a "test".
All of us have at one point or another in our lives laughed at a joke that was at the expense of another ethnicity and have even been prejudiced against someone based solely on their appearance. To some of us these simple actions can cause a little too much stress, often to the point where in that person's mind they may begin to mistakenly group themselves with a subversive group when asked about it.
There is, however, a clear distinction and you need to remember that.
Good luck!
Good luck
Posted by: whome Posted on: Feb 1st, 2005 at 6:34am
First time message, long time viewer to this site. I am taking a CVSA tomorrow for a pre-employment as a law enf. ofc. I have taken two cvsa, a week apart, and was told I passed one and then failed the other. The one I failed was that I was a member of a subversive group!! Can you believe it? I can't, being that I am the nicest most honest person around.
Anyway, that was the past. Since then, I have passed a pre employment polygraph using the helpful hints on this, tomorrow I have to take a cvsa and I am totally freaked out! I know that are all pieces of sh**, but I must pass this one to get on with my career and life.
I am a single mom on a strict budget bec I am not currently in law enforcement and can't really afford to purchase the book on how to countermeasure one of these cvsa's. I don't have anything to lie about, but as I stated above, I failed on bec I told the truth. I told the examiner that I was not a prejudiced person, I was not a member of the KKK, or the mafia and I still showed deception on the question. So, I am so so scared that I will not pass tomorrow. This is the last test I have to take before being offered the job and I am terrified. What can I do? Can anyone of you nice people out there who has been in the same boat as me give me some advice on how to be successful with this test? I would certainly appreciate anything you can say to help me. Thank you again.