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1. Contact the HR department and advise them that you would like to contest, dispute etc the results of the test and hiring process.
2. Move on and apply somewhere else.
Personally I think it is worth it to contest it so that when you do apply elsewhere you can say you did not agree with the results. This will look much better on your part. All in all the best thing you can do is not give up simply because one dept out of the probably 100 in Florida did not take you.
Good Luck.
Posted by: Maddawg Posted on: Aug 23rd, 2004 at 8:58am
I took a pre-employment polygrapg for a Police Department in the State of Florida. As we have all read, it was very intimidating and that fact that I am somewhat claustrophobic didn't help.
I made the mistake of admitting to having sex with a prositute nearly 20 years ago. It was my first time and I had trouble talking to women then. The examiner said he didn't see that as a problem.
I have absolutely no criminal record and honestly hadn't thought about the hooker in years until they asked the question.
I took the polygraph. At one point, I know my breathing rate increased but this is normal for me when I feel confined and am being constantly told "Don't Move!"
During the intial questioning they even asked about my sex life as if that was any of their business.
Anyway, a week later I received a letter in the mail stating that I passed my polygraph and psychological evaluations. I also received a conditional offer of employment based upon me passing a medical, physical fitness, and my background check.
A week after that I received a phone call from HR telling me there was a "mistake" and that I had failed the polygraph.
They wouldn't give me any more information but said they were closing my file. By this time, my references and former employer had all received referral forms for me. None had made it back to the police department so I know it was not a bad reference besides all the people I know said they were happy to give me a good reference.
I honestly have never done illegal drugs, smoked marijuana or even a cigarette in my life. I have had only a few dozen alcoholic drinks in my life and have never been drunk. I am nearly 40.
Does anyone have any advice? I have a lot of money invested in my education and the travel to go to this test. Now, they can ruin my career because the thought police think I am lying.