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Hey Guys, I just had my FBI poly yesterday and it was a nightmare! I was completely honest with the examiner from the beginning. I had told him (foolishly) of my research on the polygraph when he had asked me. I told him I researched it early on when I submitted my application. I probably gave him a bad taste in his mouth from then forward...his eyes actually lit up when I said something. Anyway, He said I had two issues after the first 2 sets of 8 questions. IT was the Drug policy and theft from an employer. I asked if I had stolen anything at all and if I ever smoked Marijuana. I answered yes, I stole a water gun when I was 12 and yes, I smoked less than 5 times in my life. He then proceeded to ask me the last set of questions. HE then informed me that I had cleared up the theft issue but I failed the exam due to a reaction to the drug policy. HE then proceeded to grill me on what it could be ( i wish I read this web site prior to the test!). Anyway, I was honest with him and told him I don't know what it could be. He asked for details on the pot smoking and if I had ever taken any "wake up" pills. I gave him the details and told him I had my senior year in college. I also divulged that I had taken the supplements creatine and andro and that my wife had disapproved, relating it to steroids. HE kept pumping me for info but I told him that was all that I had. I insisted that I was not hiding anything. What gets me is that how can I not have a reaction to the question about me being purposely deceiving during the poly and get screwed on the drug policy question!! I am definitely going to pursue a retest. I just wanted to vent.. Also as a side note, there was noise outside the testing room and the examiner even made a comment about it...saying "Don’t they know the light is on outside" as he was shaking his head. Maybe I can use that as well, as a breach of the APA code of ethics to request a retest.