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I am new to this site and have been reading other people's stories. Rats, I should have found this site a long time ago. I really don't want to sound like sour grapes, and if I have ever done something wrong I am honest about it and accept constructive criticism. However, I got royally screwed by a local PD polygraph examiner. My "domestic violence" issues is one reason I was DQ'd.
The polygraph examiner wanted to know EVERY single time I used physical force or hurt my wife, but did not put anything into context. In that case I am a wife beater because I have hurt my wife on hundreds of occasions. She is my high school sweetheart and I can't count the number of noogies and Indian burns I have given her, or the time I introduced her to the game "bloody knuckels." Does anybody remember the game slug bug? I was honest and said that we have had our share of arguments, and she has scratched me, but I have NEVER, "hit, punched, slapped, shoved, or otherwise injured my spouse or romantic partner" in what normal people call domestic violence. I thought I knew what they wanted, REAL domestic issues, not stupid games we played in high school. As it turns out I was considered to have had "domestic issues." What a complete joke. (if I knew how to add the smiley face that rolls his eyes I would add tht here)
Furthermore, I was under the impression I was going to be able to explain myself. Nope. After the polygraph (and I mean right after, it must have been 20 minutes) I was told the process for me was suspended. I didn't get to talk to a recruiting officer, a SGT., a background investigator, or anything. Am I wrong here or is what I explained domestic violence?