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Topic Summary - Displaying 25 post(s).
Posted by: US_DEPUTY
Posted on: Dec 22nd, 2003 at 8:30am
  Mark & QuoteQuote

      Kona do not waste your time on what "asounding" said in his comments.  You always provide us with very imformative comments that provide us with guidence on our questions.   You're right, you display leadership and devote your time to help others.  Meanwhile, for those who are criticizing you they can mind their own business.  We need more people like you Kona in this forum and not peevish people like "Asounding".  Happy Holidays everyone.!!!!!!!
Posted by: right
Posted on: Dec 21st, 2003 at 6:32am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
Let's see now, you have been selling pot since you were 15 but you have only "tried" it 5 times.  Yeah right.
Posted by: steve smith
Posted on: Dec 21st, 2003 at 4:33am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
I have a question about the US Park Police.  I am applying, but I have a possible detractor.  1.  When I was 15 (im 22 now) I sold pot once (about $60 WORTH).  I never did it again, however I did try pot 5 times.  WILL THIS DISQUALIFY ME???  PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
Posted by: The_Dude
Posted on: Dec 14th, 2003 at 1:41am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
hey astounding, don't you get tired of having your ass kicked all over these boards by kona?  what is your problem dude?  did some woman burn you or what?

the dude
Posted by: Kona
Posted on: Dec 14th, 2003 at 1:20am
  Mark & Quote
Kona:  You say you have been through 3 polygraphs and 3 background investigations and you still have no job?  What's up girl?


Your lack of any discernable intelligence is truly "astounding."  Now I understand where you got your screename.   

Because I've heard that it is quite stressful studying for the GED, I'll try to talk slow, and use words that have 3 syllables or less so that even you can "get it."   

Ok, here we go..........

I app lied to two diff er ent po lice a gen cies, com ple ted two back ground in ves ti ga tions (oops sorry, more than 3 syllables), and 3 pol y graph ex am in a tions.  One de part ment off erd me a re-test on the pol y graph be cause of some pro blems I had on the drug ques tions.......hence 3 pol y graph exam in a tions.  Get it?  2+1=3.  My 3rd back ground in ves ti ga tion was a DOD TS/SCI BI while I was in the mil i tary.  Are you still with me so far?  Good.  I was off ered em ploy ment from both po lice de part ments, and I am cur rent ly wait ing for the next a cad e my class.    

Because I feel sorry for the rest of the people that have to read this, I'm going to speak at a normal pace now.  You'll just have to try and keep up.  Like I mentioned before, I am not an expert on the polygraph, but I have been through the experience three times.  I used the complete honesty approach twice, and only passed once, while  using countermeasures once, and passing once.  Based on that alone, I feel that I can offer some insight on the process, and be a positive contributor to these message boards.  I'll go back to my original question, "what do you have to offer here?"  Anything besides weak one liners written at the 8th grade level? 

Oh, look at the's after 2pm.  Time for your Prozac, and "The Partridge Family."   

Good luck with the GED thing,

Posted by: astounding
Posted on: Dec 13th, 2003 at 7:58pm
  Mark & QuoteQuote
Kona:  You say you have been through 3 polygraphs and 3 background investigations and you still have no job?  What's up girl?
Posted by: Kona
Posted on: Dec 13th, 2003 at 12:27pm
  Mark & Quote
So Kona, you're not a woman?  Well, you have made history then because from the looks of your last post you are the first man with PMS.  

Astounding or Asounding.....or whatever your name is,

Normally I don't engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person, but in your case I'm willing to make an exception.   

Is that really the best you can do?  The first man with with PMS?  Your witty repartee cuts deep.....ouch!  Couldn't you come up with anything other than a lame ass, pathetic one line come back that my teenager could have made up?  Do you have any intelligent insight or advise to add to this thread, or are you just looking to trade barbs?  I realize that this is probably beyond your level of comprehension, but try to realize that people come to this website to learn about the polygraph, and to seek advise from people that have been through the experience.  I have been through three polygraph examinations and three complete background investigations.  I may not be an expert on the process, but I believe that I do have something to offer people that have yet to experience a polygraph or a Background Investigator's interrogation.  What do you have to offer??  That's what I thought...... absolutely nothing.   

Do everyone here a favor and turn off your computer (it's the big round button) swallow another Zoloft, and go back to watching "The Brady Bunch" reruns; it's right up your alley.   


Posted by: blade-runner
Posted on: Dec 13th, 2003 at 7:47am
  Mark & Quote
Typically, the magic number for the FBI is 15 times of marijuana usage during your lifetime will disqualify you. If you say 14, you are ok. If you say 15, you are out. It is a black and white issue. The USSS no doubt allows the same number. 

The interviewer tricked you into going above the number 15. Often times due to the amount of years that have elapsed, people will pick a number a little higher than they know to be correct so they can answer in confidence on the form and/or interview. 

It is my knowledge of the listed agencies there is no negotiation or explanation at this point that would make a difference. 

You could most likely apply to another federal agency, and not have a problem provided you mention that you used less than 15 times. 

If they ever refer to what occurred at USSS, just say you carefully reviewed each event that occurred 12 years ago (based on specific incidents like birthdays, graduations etc.) and based on that you know it was “X” amount of times.  I would never say more than a few times in case the number of allowed times has been reduced. 

Insofar as not working for the US Secret “Security”, I know it is of little compensation, but standing next to a dumpster in an alley of a hotel at 3:00am where some candidate is staying is not the most fun in the world. 

Find a large police agency to work where they have a lot of specialized units. Makes for a real law enforcement career.  No direct offense to the many good people at USSS, but boring is boring. Just depends what you want I guess.
Posted by: astounding
Posted on: Dec 13th, 2003 at 4:11am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
So Kona, you're not a woman?  Well, you have made history then because from the looks of your last post you are the first man with PMS.
Posted by: Kona
Posted on: Dec 13th, 2003 at 3:55am
  Mark & Quote

Isn't that just like a sexist moron, he brings a knife to a gunfight.   

Now take your medication and calm down.   Let me guess, you once worked for a woman that was smarter than you, demonstrated more leadership qualities than you, and was promoted to that position ahead of you because she was imminently more qualified?  That's what I thought.  Don't worry though, if you are a member of the bubba club where you work, you will most certainly be promoted right up to your level of incompetence, just like in The Peter Principle.   

Hey, nobody is forcing you to read my posts or take any of my advise.  These are public message boards where anyone can post an opinion if they so desire.  You see, in this country we have the 1st Amendment, which guarantees freedom of speech.  You are familiar with that, aren't you? Oh, I'm sorry......I forgot that the toughest 5 years of your life was the 8th grade.   

Do me a favor, from now on when you see my name, just skip over the post and move on to the next one.  See how easy that is......that way you won't burst a blood vessel in that peanut sized object you call a  brain, while congering up a comeback to demonstrate your double digit IQ and rapier wit.  Ok, now you can go back to watching the cartoon channel.   

Best regards,
PS  I'm not a woman, you half wit.
Posted by: asounding
Posted on: Dec 13th, 2003 at 12:06am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
Kona - you have an opinion on everything and you can't wait to answer every question - regarless of how much or how little you really know about the subject.  You are a typical know-it-all woman who will make life a living hell for everyone you work with or deal with.   If you ever get to be a police officer, God help everyone you ever come in contact with since you obviously feel like you have to let everyone know you are in charge.  When you strap on that gun you really think you will be 'the man'.  Sounds like a bad case of thingy envy.  Why else would a woman want to do a man's job?
Posted by: Kona
Posted on: Dec 12th, 2003 at 10:06am
  Mark & QuoteQuote

If you want any chance of being hired, you'd better stick to your original story.  If you tell them you forgot about the other 8 times, 20 times, 50 times that you smoked dope, they will probably wonder what else have you forgotten to tell them, and will view you as basically dishonest.   

Reality check......who really gives a damn if you smoked pot twice, 8 times, or 22 1/2 times fifteen years ago?  If you haven't done it since, and have lived your life since as a law abiding citizen, is this even relevant?  In my humble opinion, it isn't.  However,  others may disagree, and I have no problem with that.    

Stick to your guns, and don't volunteer information that can get you DQ'ed.   

Posted by: Guest
Posted on: Dec 12th, 2003 at 5:10am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
OK Bench this is the point.... your drug usage is way past experimental. If it is in the double numbers you were partying. If you can not recall the exact times you did it or can't come to a clear number you are comforatable with...... How can you expect any law enforcement agency to be comforatble with you. Pick a number you know you could'nt of exceeded (clearly in your mind) and stick with it. For example some agency's allow for little to no usage, some don't care if it was 100, prior to five years ago. One of these agencies and you will be a fit, some will not..... but be honest. You will be tossed if you keep changing numbers you have to be honest with yourself and get a spine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!otherwise you will never have a badge.
Posted by: wannabe ud
Posted on: Dec 11th, 2003 at 6:57pm
  Mark & QuoteQuote
I have a question along this line. I was asked at a usss-ud job fair if I had smoked pot and I said yes. When asked how many times I said 1-2 with some friends about fifteen years ago. Now (4 weeks later)I am in the process of filling out the formal app's and realize I used more than stated in the initial interview. (approx 10 times) Should I stick to my original number and take my chances with the poly or should I just turn in my app and give the more correct answer this time? 
I was honest, just not correct.

Wannabe ud
Posted by: suethem
Posted on: Aug 27th, 2003 at 3:37am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
They way I read this ( and I could be reading it wrong) is that the applicant did not have an exact number, only knew that his weed experimentation  was in the neighborhood of 12 times ( but definitely below 20).

Where was the SS cut off?  Did they DQ him because he was over the limit of permissable use or because he seemed to waffle on his answer?

Why did the interviewer offer 15-20 times as an answer? Thats a little bit of a loaded question to me.  Did he do it to help the applicant?  Or was it to get a contradictory statement and DQ him?

Should the applicant just have given a low number and stuck with it or been both  honest and unsure?  (they wanted the truth right?)   

Whats  your take on this scenario-  the kids a liar and got caught by a great investigator?

I used the word 'tricks' with what a polygrapher tries to do (or turn)!

Posted by: Marty
Posted on: Aug 26th, 2003 at 8:44pm
  Mark & QuoteQuote
Ray wrote on Aug 26th, 2003 at 8:41pm:
Sorry I'm late on this response but I can't let this slide.  Suethem, read Bench's initial post again and tell me how he was "tricked."  Wouldn't you agree that if someone answers a question by saying "maybe twelve" that further questions should be asked?  They sure pulled a fast one on him.  I hope you're not a cop.

ROFLMAO!  A Classic!

Posted by: Ray
Posted on: Aug 26th, 2003 at 8:41pm
  Mark & QuoteQuote
Sorry I'm late on this response but I can't let this slide.  Suethem, read Bench's initial post again and tell me how he was "tricked."  Wouldn't you agree that if someone answers a question by saying "maybe twelve" that further questions should be asked?  They sure pulled a fast one on him.  I hope you're not a cop.
Posted by: joey
Posted on: Aug 4th, 2003 at 11:13pm
  Mark & QuoteQuote
you can apply, but why would you want to if the interview ended the way it ended. if an agency disqualifies me i would not want to apply there again.
Posted by: bench
Posted on: Aug 4th, 2003 at 5:33am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
Thanks Joey

But do you think I can aplly again to the UD?

Posted by: joey
Posted on: Aug 4th, 2003 at 3:44am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
what i meant is that you can apply to another lawenforcement agency, there are over 17000 agencies in this country. The more police departments you apply to the better for you.

Good luck.
Posted by: bench
Posted on: Aug 3rd, 2003 at 8:32pm
  Mark & QuoteQuote
When you say else where. What do you mean?  Another agency?
Posted by: joey
Posted on: Aug 3rd, 2003 at 7:27pm
  Mark & QuoteQuote
the reason your interview ended quick was when you admitted to the agent you tried mj 15-20 times, it is imoportant always to stick with your answers in order to prevent problems. You can always apply elsewhere
Posted by: suethem
Posted on: Aug 3rd, 2003 at 7:11am
  Mark & QuoteQuote

I don't know   ( I don't work for USSS).

How much paperwork did you fill out for this interview?  Name , SSN and DOB- or was it just a fill in the blanks and chat with an agent?

You could call USSS personel or a recruiter and ask.

The worst thing you can ever so is give up.  There are other LE jobs besides USSS UD!

Posted by: bench
Posted on: Aug 3rd, 2003 at 6:58am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
So does this mean I can never aplly again? To the uniform division of the secret service?
Posted by: suethem
Posted on: Aug 3rd, 2003 at 6:53am
  Mark & QuoteQuote

I would guess that the interview was terminated because you seemed to change the number of times you experimented with pot.

If you think it was twelve you should have just said twelve. When the interviewer offered the 15-20 times, you should have responded,  no, 12 times.

It is very typical of an interviewer to try to mislead a perspective officer into making contradictory statements, thereby disqualifying that applicant.

In polygraphs exams the interviewers will do the same thing.  They will try all kinds of tricks to get you to fail or make contradictory statements.

Consider it a lesson learned and don't be wishy washy next time.  Stick to you guns and don't let anyone lead you astray. 

Try again, somehwere else if need be.  Might be a good idea to find and read a book about LE job interviews.  Good luck.