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You've chosen an interesting topic for your English class.
You'll find a detailed explanation of polygraph procedure and countermeasures in chapters 3 and 4, respectively, of The Lie Behind the Lie Detector. The same countermeasure techniques are applicable, whether one is a liar attempting to beat the "test" or a truth-teller attempting to protect oneself against the risk of a false positive outcome.
Posted by: Malaki Posted on: Apr 16th, 2003 at 3:47am
I am writing a paper for my english class on how to beat the polygraph test and also how to protect yourself. I was wondering if anyone could help me by telling me some of the techniques used so that you can pass the test while you are lying and how to insure you pass the test while telling the truth. Do you use the same techniques? I have heard a few but I know there are also alot of coutermeasures some polygraph testers take. I would appreciate it if anyone could help me out with some of the techniques used. Thanks ahead