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Just as soon as Drew Richardson breaks into a home at night, rapes the sleeping woman, steals her diamond necklace and faces a "real" prison sentence of life without parole, then I will consider his "challenge" and I will guarantee any tongue bitin', butt squeezin', paradise dreamin' will not outweigh his responses to the relevant questions.
What you in effect seem to be saying is that the guilty cannot beat the polygraph when the consequences of being found deceptive are serious. On what basis do you make this claim? You assert that you know this because "everyday, somewhere in the world, someone is being accused of these types of crimes and everyday they legitimately 'pass' or 'fail' without countermeasures." But the foregoing does not in any way support your assertion.
Those new to may wish to read Dr. Richardson's polygraph countermeasure challenge and the responses posted thereto to reach their own conclusions as to why none in the polygraph community have thus far mustered the courage to prove their claimed ability to detect countermeasures.
You can take the chance using countermeasures if you want my view the only good tyhing about the LBTLT is the price. But is it really worth it?
If there is anything in The Lie Behind the Lie Detector (sometimes abbreviated TLBTLD) that you believe to be untrue, unfair, or otherwise misleading, please don't hesitate to point it out. In fact, we have a forum dedicated to discussion of the book.
Posted by: LieChazer Posted on: Mar 23rd, 2003 at 8:40am
This isn't going to happen very often....but I do agree with Triple XXX and George's assessment that your "idea's" will doom your polygraph exam. However, I will also once again assert you shouldn't have any reason to use any countermeasures during a voluntary process and if you have nothing to hide regarding the relevant issues.
Just as soon as Drew Richardson breaks into a home at night, rapes the sleeping woman, steals her diamond necklace and faces a "real" prison sentence of life without parole, then I will consider his "challenge" and I will guarantee any tongue bitin', butt squeezin', paradise dreamin' will not outweigh his responses to the relevant questions. How do I know, because everyday, somewhere in the world, someone is being accused of these types of crimes and everyday they legitimately "pass" or "fail' without countermeasures.
You can take the chance using countermeasures if you want my view the only good tyhing about the LBTLT is the price. But is it really worth it?
Posted by: triple x Posted on: Mar 23rd, 2003 at 6:01am
I must confess, all of your polygraph testing “tips” are remarkably amazing… do you seriously expect anyone with a half-of-brain to truly believe any of your nonsense and foolishness.?
Your “tips” will without a doubt, ensure any candidate for polygraph testing sure failure.
Triple x
Posted by: George W. Maschke Posted on: Mar 21st, 2003 at 8:43am
Those who wish to pass a polygraph (note spelling) examination would be foolish to follow your suggestions. One wonders whether you might be an irate polygrapher planting disinformation...
To learn how polygraphy "works" (and doesn't), and how to protect oneself against a false positive outcome, see The Lie Behind the Lie Detector.
Posted by: Pollyanna Posted on: Mar 21st, 2003 at 5:11am
The polygrapgh test that local law enforcement gives is a complete sham. I've taken several, and yes passed all, and offered by all. The polygraphers do hundreds of these silly exams so the departments feel better. One thing to remember when applying for Law Enforcements, look the part. If you go in looking like tin pan alley you might FAIL WINK WINK the polygrapgh. the biggest thing to remember to defeat the polygrapgh is inconsistency. The test is quite stupid. In order for the test to trully have even a marginal effect you must sit still as a mouse for about an hour. What i found is that if you cough, fidget in your seat, and breath inconsistently your chart will be all over the place. The big point is is that if your chart is all over the place and you answers ?'s quickly with your head up they will not want to fail you, because they know its doenst mean anything. One other tip, when they place the blood pressure cuff on me I make a muscle ever so slightly, and and after it tightens i let loose and there is not a good reading.