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Based on your description (especially, a single chart collection and the absence of any post-"test" interrogation), it sounds like you most probably passed.
Posted by: for536xk Posted on: Jul 11th, 2002 at 5:09am
Hello. I am new to this board, however I have been reading for quite some time. I have reead the Lie behind the lie detector many times. I just took a polygraph today and would like to know how you guys feel that I did. The polygrapher came across as a very nice individual, however I could tell immediately that he was shooting at getting admissions out of me before I was even hooked to the machine. After 5 minutes of being with him he performed the Stim Test on me with colored cards, I made it look like I was a scremer and he agreed that I could not tell a lie without the machine picking it up. I was then interviewed and asked questions for 2 hours, mainly about theft, prior employment, and drugs. I answewred all honestly as I have nothing to hide at all. The examiner then asked if I had taken any polygraphs before. I told the examiner that I have had two exams and that they were both for pre-employment and I passed one and failed one. I explained that the one I failed was with an examiner that was not of the private sector but an actual member of the PD at that time, and that he was very rude and quick (Only 1 hr total time.) the one that I passed I was there for 3.5 hours. Today's examiner stated that the one I failed was mostly due to a poor examiner. after almost 3 hours of being with the examiner we began the actual test (25 questions). Once the exam was complete he sat down in front of me and asked me if any of the questions bothered me while I was connected to the machine, I told him that the one on theft made me think of the childhood theft that I had explained to him earlier, and that no other questions had bothered me at all and I felt that I had performed very well. He tried to talk about how people sometimes people forget certain instances but remember while being on the machine, I paid little attention to this speal. I told him that I was comfortable and he then said OK tore off the chart and had me sign and date the chart so it could be sent to the PD I was testing for. PLEASE NOTE He only asked me one set of questions 1 time while on the machine HE DID NOT repeat the questions a 2nd time. I aksed him how I did and he said he didn't see any problems. I asked him on a scale of 1-10 how did I do he then said 30. If this sounds familiar to anyone who has failed please let me know.
BTW This polygraph was taken after receiving a conditional offer of employment.
Just thought I would ask one more question, and that is this. My polygrapher told me (Before the polygraph) that they would also be contacting all of my previous employers to verify why I left that job and also, my performance while I was there. I don't understand why they would eb doing this as I have already passed the background with the PD I am testing for. If the polygrapher was lying could someone please let me know. I just didn't know why they would run a second employment check. I thought that it might be BS the polygrapher was blowing up my hind end to get me to admit to something that I didn't do.