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I ask that anyone who has been disqualified from a PD testing process (or anyone else who is willing)--based on polygraph results--keep track of upcoming PD orientation meetings, and do the following:
Create a professional message about "," explaining the fraud involved in polygraphs, and how future examinees should learn to protect themselves. Make sure you mention, and the dowloadable The Lie Behind the Lie Detector.
After creating this professionaly typed message, make quite a few copies, go to the next orientation that you are aware of, arrive in the middle of the orientation meeting time, and place one ad under a windshield wiper for each car that you see in the lot.
Also, carry a magic marker with you every where you go. In each public bathroom that you visit, Write (in a stall or two) "Discover the truth about Lie Detectors: Visit"
Its time to make things happen people. I'm going to throw Police commissioners around here a curve ball that just keeps curving. I hope there are others out there that are strong enough and willing enough to do the same.