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Hey guys I come here often and read up on all the happenings. I have only posted once so far...heres my question/story.
In June of 01 I took a poly in the Seattle HQ for the DEA. Half way through the test the poly examiner stopped the questioning and told me that there was no since in continuing the test. He said that I was not telling the truth. I told him everything there was to tell him. Disclosing everything.. Never any illegal drug use, just taking other peoples perscriptions like penicilin and things like that. Nothing big. But I disclosed it all to him.
Anyway he said that I had failed the polygraph and that he was sending in the failure notice. I told him basically what I thought about that.
Then in Sept. 01 I get a visit from a guy at home saying that he is doing the back ground investigation on me. I think cool they must be still considering me. Didnt here anything for the longest time and last Thursday I got a call from an investigator saying that he was completing the background and that he had some questions about my poly graph I took.. Again told him everthing. He then says ok if I need anymore info I will be contacting you.
So what is the deal? Why do a background if I failed the poly? And are they still considering me?